RE: Deuce manufacturers
It would be illegal for anyone to scan and email the article to you, that is, a violation of copyright law. However, if you were to ask the publisher - they would likely send you a copy (they view these things as incentives - if you get a copy, there is a chance you'll subscribe) - or, you could ask the copyright holder - in this case me - and I'll send you a copy!
Not to derail this thread - but guys - before asking things like this - always try to find the author and ask them. I know a lot of writers - and everyone I know would say "sure, I'll send it to you." However, seeing postings saying "Please scan this and such and send it to me" almost always are offensive - even though they aren't intended that way.
I know that for most people publishing and copyright law are a mystery - but these laws are how we (full-time authors) support our families.
When we read requests like this - and I know that this is not how Martin meant it - but legally (and financially) this is the same as saying "I can't find an injection pump, would one of you guys take one off of David's truck and send it to me?"
I'm not flaming Martin here - just pointing out a frequently overlooked, and abused, aspect of this.
Off my soapbox now - and Martin, I fully understand the difficulties of locating an off-shore publication, and the material you've asked for is in you email box.
Best wishes,
David Doyle