Ok, finally got around to it. Like Porkchop said, it does not shift into third. i replaced the whole vacuum assembly, pump, modulaor etc and that did not do the trick. It shifted from 1-2 smoother though!

Dropped the pan and there were only very fine shavings like sand which was very comforting. I dropped out the valve body with the tranny still in the truck only thing you need to watch out for in doing this is the six 5/16 ball bearings dropping out.
My first concern was that I only found 5 ball bearings... some people say you actually only need 5 so I wasn't too concerned until I found it lodged in part of a channel in lower valve body. Im not to sure if it is supposed to be here bc it is on the opposite side of the VB gasket and plate than the other checkballs.
Second there was a small tear in the VB gasket but it wasnt too bad but could be part of the problem im thinking.
Third, the what I think is called the "direct clutch???" was broken in half and the little o-ring was rough in one spot.... I think this is the main problem unless the direct clutch has nothing to do with 2-3 shift but it looks like it might be important.
Because I already have it apart I went ahead and ordered a completely new valve body, shift kit, and direct clutch. Going to bang that into place once it comes in and have time off work. Hopefully this helps, If not im going to rebuild it.
Here are pictures of the broken direct clutch:

And here is the checkball... it might be in the right spot? I cant find out? Its just up to the right of the clutch near a valve.