I scanned back through the previous posts to make sure I haven't missed much. So what's the latest on the t shirt situation? And Mike mentioned something about maybe cooking?
I have to plan a little better this year because my daughter will be with me Friday night and my wife is coming up Saturday for the day and taking my daughter home with her. My daughter wants to eat MREs, but needless to say, my wife would do without first. I am planning on bringing the camp stove and food if I need to cook.
In other news, the new Jeep didn't get far enough along to bring, so I worked on the old Jeep (finished installing the correct fuel pump, adjusted valves so it isn't as noisy, and got the brake lights working) yesterday and got it ready. Still need to wash it and the truck before the rally. Load up a few sale items (yes, I actually have the Army Motors, Supply Line and Military Vehicles magazines on the load list this year so I won't forget them AGAIN!) and camping gear and we'll be ready to roll early afternoon. Not planning on doing the bbq convoy this year.
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