2018 TX MV Rally Multimedia Posts
Yikes, it has taken me 3 weeks to post pictures and videos from the rally! There's no excuse for that!
Let's start with pictures of the camp site:
(From left to right) Barrman in the M715; Then nofearnohope, mkcoen and m715mike in our civy vehicles
My Deuce lost a hard break line right before the rally and was sidelined that weekend.
Barrman's m715:
mkcoen had a really neat rooftop tent!
Texas30cal and Joe (not sure if Joe is on SS) brought their Deuces:

Trailboss came-in from Louisiana:

Vern (not sure if he is on SS) came-out in the Bobber:
He's done some really nice upgrades since I last saw his truck!
anjay22 camped-out with his family:
putz273 drove his Peterbilt to the rally pulling the M1000 with his M1070 loaded on the M1000:
OL AG '89 camped in style:
His CUCV has pulled a 5-ton out of the mud for fuzzytoaster, but I didn't see OL AG '89 use the CUCV to tow his camper...
Kvrazelm923 brought two of his trucks to the rally:

Pistolnut was also there in his civy, but I didn't get a picture of it.
Give me a few minutes.... I've got more to post...