- 807
- 832
- 93
- Location
- W.WA
Over 700 miles, round trip. 2 fuel stops, 2 meal breaks, 2 dog breaks, 1 mountain pass, 1 shortcut (got lost in the clouds), 4 naps.

Didn't really think about loading a 85" wide top behind a vehicle that is 71" wide. My rear view and passenger mirror were useless and I only sort of had some visibility out of my driver side mirror. It either snowed or rained almost the whole time. That loose looking strap is the end of one of the cinched straps, I looped it around one of the horizontal straps to help it from sliding down.

Didn't really think about loading a 85" wide top behind a vehicle that is 71" wide. My rear view and passenger mirror were useless and I only sort of had some visibility out of my driver side mirror. It either snowed or rained almost the whole time. That loose looking strap is the end of one of the cinched straps, I looped it around one of the horizontal straps to help it from sliding down.