The aftermarket is still trying to catch up to these trucks. It will probably be a while, if ever, before we have as many options as Jeeps.
For now your options are get a factory soft top 4 man conversion kit (from some place like Breton Industries), install a surplus slantback with hard top (expensive), get one of the aftermarket hard and permanent metal tops from one of the couple companies that has them, or make your own (or get someone to make you a) metal or fiberglass hard top. If you get the aftermarket metal top, you won't be able to remove it or install a soft rear curtain like you are thinking about as all of those have solid metal rears.
If you're wanting to retain the ability to go topless, the Breton soft top is really the best way to go. With hard doors and a little work making sure everything seals up well, you'll have no problem keeping the truck warm in the Winter. And you can always upgrade the heater. With the soft top, you just need to make sure you keep it treated with some sort of vinyl protectant so it doesn't rot away as they are prone to. Also helps to keep it garaged or at least covered.
I'm still waiting for someone to make a decent lightweight bikini style top to keep the sun off but I may try to make my own next Spring. Also still want some hybrid soft/hard half doors.