There is no auction posting allowed prior to the close of an auction. I edited your post to remove the site information. Everyone needs to do their own inspection or have someone else do it so they can draw their own conclusions. How could you tell that the engine was locked up other than a clunk from the starter? Did you put a bar on the crank and try to turn it over? You have been around these big trucks for a while and should know that a clunk from an 809 series could be low batteries, bad control box, bad starter, solenoid wire intact, but power wire to starter missing, broken, etc... Did you investigate those as well?
I understand you made this post to be helpful and I appreciate your efforts, but please refrain from doing it again. I'm not trying to be a jerk, but just posting that a truck has a bad engine on SS could be enough to depress prices on GL by thousands of dollars. We could get in deep crap for doing that, especially if nothing is wrong but something minor. Thanks for understanding.