Well, here is my

Here is a picture I caught of the AZ Guard recruiting HMMWV. Im not fond of it.
Here in CA, the Guard has 7 emergency comm trucks, 5 are HMMWVs. I work on one of them, (My profile pic). I here that somebody wants to wrap them with ACU, yet others want to go 686 sand. Im up for 686 sand myself.
I know a guy that did his mutt in Digital Marpat right after the USMC got their new digis. He went desert right off the uniform. He said it took about a month to design it and make is stencils and another to paint it. But it looked really cool.
And yes, I hate our uniform. The velcro sucks and the colors blend into everything equally poorly. (unless its dead California sage, then you blend right in, and we know that every environment we fight in has tons of dead California sage)
My opinion, keep the pattern, swicth to two uniforms, one green base and one tan base, oh wait the Marines allready thought about that.