Bought mine off EPAY. Think seller was in over his head with the needed maintenance to get it road worthy and the cool factor wore off real quick.
Made contact, worked a deal off line (sorry epay win some, lost this one haha) took it down, cut the check. Next PITA shipping right coast to left. Finally, after getting screwed ALL around for a weeeek by "fly by night" transport brokers. (don't believe what you see on TV)
Got other "OH YEA" we can do that BS. Call you right back. Ten minutes later phone rings. This is Jerry... Got my GUY a day away if you can wait... Hell yea! Been screwing around with five others with no time line, prices all over the board. What a JOKE.
The GUY now calls me. I am going to get it. I'll call at pick up. Ten hours later "GOT IT" and sending me pictures of the night time load up. WOW and NICE. Calls every day... two more time crossing the country. Nice guy fills me in with how it going with weather reports LOL. Next call 30 minutes out. HOLLY SMOKES! I got a get my shoes on.
Hearing the rummble throught the house it was here. I see it... I SEE IT (as in the plane ,the plane) Right up front, on top. That was the day.
From a quality broker not screwing around on the cheap, fixed price, made it happen. That car hauler's rig was the USS Enterprise. A million dollar Humv moving machine. He and is boy travel damm near non-stop, all over the country. Living the life. Beautiful truck... mine too, Not a bug on it, spot less, polished, living /sleeping quarters, satellite TV, internet, like a real land yacht.
Another 2000 dollars and ten minutes later the HumV as landed, CAMO
The GUY spoke broken English. Was from a eastern block country I think. SUPER GUY.

Check the door out. lol