I used the jatonka kit on my deuce. It works extremely well and took the same amount of time to put in as changing the original filters. I am very pleased with it.
odiron makes good products, certainly, but they seem a bit more labor intensive. Not a lot, mind you, just a little more work.
I installed the odiron coolant filter last week. It was simple and quick, but did require a trip to Ace Hardware for a 3/4 to 1/2 adapter not included in the kit. Not a big deal, but a little extra effort.
Looking at the above pic of the single filter modification, it looks extremely interesting but the parts do not match the photo in the link. I might have installed that as opposed to the jatonka kit, had the pics depicted the installation as above.
But without regard to the kit, the installation of a better filter system cannot but improve your engine life.