March 12th, 2008.
Geez, I just won a M105 trailer up in Norman,OK, this afternoon, first item from GL, I have all the paperwork ready, just awaiting notification at midnight as to what the final price is, etc,etc,etc...... Now the only questions is when they say go get it, will "Saddam's Nightmare", my M35A2 which came from "Bulldog Mack 13" in October 2007, decide to co-operate and do the 420 mile round trip. I figure that the minimum should be oild change, filter change, check axle, transmission and transfer oils, then try to figure out what the M105's going to need to make the 210 mile trip back on own wheels.
No doubt the Oklahoma NG guy's gonna love having an M35A2 in 686A tan and marked III 3/3 CAV L50 roll in his facility gate. The wife's going to be thrilled with one more antique MV around the place, heck, I haven't even thought through what I bought it for (time to come up with plans A,B,C.....), maybe to save the deuce's bed when hauling gravel? I guess I better get that registration changed from plate to bumper markings darned quick......
Here we go again, another terminal disease.....
Kyle F. McGrogan.
1963 Swiss Army Mercedes Benz Unimog S404.114 Cargo
1971 Kaiser Jeep M35A2 Wo/W "Saddam's Nightmare" Vietnam And Desert Storm Deuce Veteran Truck 686A TAn
???? M105A2 1-1/2 Ton Cargo Trailer, age & maker unknown, 4 color woodland carmo (talk about a color clash!!!!)