One of everything and two of some...........
I make sure that I have enough of all fluids to replace at least 1/2 of the fluid. For a 5 ton, thats 5 gals of 50/50 coolant, 3 gals of oil, 2 gals of gear lube, 1 gallon of DOT 5, 2 quarts of powersteering oil. At least 3 fuel filters, depending on where I am going. A Haspin trip, I take 3. Ga rally, I prolly only carry 1, maybe 2.
My regular toolbox, which has enough tools to change out a motor, tranny or transfer case. Two jacks, a complete set of air tools, a complete set of manual tire changing tools. A complete set of belts, light bulbs(including at least 1 headlight). A peanut butter jar of small items(bolts,nuts, screws, switches, wire ties, nicknaks and paddy waks.
50' to 75' feet of heavy chain, 4 ton come-a-long, chain binders, wood blocking, and just about anything else I think I need.
Gloves, hard hat, safety glasses, earplugs. Thats about it...............