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Posted Today 7:46 PM (GMT -5) [/td][td class=msgThreadInfo style="BORDER-RIGHT: buttonshadow 1px outset" vAlign=bottom noWrap align=right height=20]
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<TD class=msgThread2 vAlign=top height="100%">Just for inquiring minds here is the problem and soultion from the M715Zone
brute4c said
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The problem with flat towing on an M715 type truck is the steering gear. The type used on the M715's and also on civilian Jeeps of the era does not like inputs from the tire and wheel back to the steering gear and steering wheel. This wil ruin the gearbox in short order. You cn find big warnings about this in the Jeep Owners Bible among other sources. I do not know exactly wht in the gearbox has such a hard time with such inputs but it has been a known factor for decades.
I disconnected the drag link at the passenger side steering arm and therefore had no inputs gong to the gearbox. I did of course leave the tie rod bar in place to keep the tires synchronized.
If you look at the M715 versus other vehicles that can be towed this way, there is no other significant difference. Thus the military manual you refernced says wheels up towing....could have said only flat tow with steering gear disconnected....The military made all the pieces specifically for the M715 to be towbar towed because there is a way to do it....surely they didnt make those pieces and distribute them to comands all over the place and then find out it was not possible to use them did they?[/td][/tr][/table]