Hi sak00:
Like what was already mentioned many times, don't limit yourself to one or the other. Keep your options and eyes open. Either way is a crapshoot. Do your homework and know what your getting into. SS is a GREAT place for info on the deuces.
Unfortunately, from what I've been seeing, GL's prices are getting higher & higher.
I've seen deuce residue goin for $4K. I got the Frog thru GL, and LUCKED OUT! While the trucks were sitting, waiting to be picked up, the trucks on either side of mine had brake lines and other parts stripped off. The Frog was unmolested.
Like also what was mentioned, it depends on location. Some places are just tough. I'd advise ya to stay FAR AWAY from Porthsmouth, VA. The GL folk were fine, but the base security (non miliitary rent a cops) SUCK! I almost ended up in the brig.
Which ever route ya go, CHECK IT OUT PERSONALLY, or have someone ya really trust go check it over, and that's still no guarantee. Also check into YOUR state laws. From what I've read here, some states require you to have a CDL to drive it.
Also, why do ya want it (something ya need to ask yourself)? Then, EN-FREAKIN-JOY! They are fun, and mine even gets better mileage than my Durango.