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Things were going great, really they were. Deuce has seen about 500 miles this week and was running great till i noticed a bit of a loss of power just before arriving at ASTFU's place today. Wasn't worried, figured it was time for new filters. But then when i left to head home i noticed i was smoking a bit more out the stack under load, white smoke. Was thinking, oh great now my turbo is gonna crap out. Kept on trucking till i started to smell an oil burning type smell. Everything under the hood is coated in oil, covers the insides of both fenders and i have lovely little droplets all the way back to the tailgate
The burning smell was some of that windblown leakage hitting the manifold. Not entirely sure where its all coming from in order to get such great coverage but the sides of the block are real wet with oil and the heads are much drier. Looks like i don't need to worry much about rust on the underbody as its all covered too. Checked the dipstick and i was 6 quarts low
. Topped off and took it real easy to get here to work. Guess what??? i'm several quarts low again. Drips oil all over the place when running and lets out an unhealthy white cloud under acceleration but otherwise sounds perfectly normal abeit a little lacking on power. This should be a real fun project