I have but never got it to high before I caught it. But when I picked up my 813 we had pulled it up to the warehouse to air some tires and had some running issues. turned out the tank vent was stopped up and pulled a vaacum and quit running. I put air pressure to the tank while my Buddy loosened the fuel line while kneeling on the fender. We had an 8 inch cinder blook in front of the front tire to keep it from rolling. The nice GSA man asked if I wanted him to start it while I kept air on the tank. It started and quit again. I then saw him pull the hand throttle all the way out, I assume thinking it was the choke. It was my first truck so I did not know any better, I knew it was not the choke as diesels don't have chokes, but did not think about it being the hand throttle. Well the second time it started just fine, proceeded to scream like a bansee, causing the Gsa guy to dump the clutch which I had not noticed he was holding down. The truck being in high range first gear reared 3 feet straight up, did not even move the cinder block and proceeded through the warehouse wall up to the windshield before the guy got it stopped. It pitched my Buddy head over heels onto the asphault but luckily only brusied him. The other GSA employees can out and had a good laugh and needless to say we got loaded and out of there as quickly as possible. A state prisoner who had been cleaning the yard came by and made a wide berth around the truck and asked, you got that thing under control, it got the devil in it. Our next trip to this place they had straighened the wall out but you could still see the imprint of my truck in it.