Most equipment can actually be operated on both frequencies, if you can live with the necessary derating factors. Back when I used to do real work, I frequently had to deal with different frequency equipment as well as variable frequency equipment. It was interesting while working in different parts of the world (the rest of the world is 50Hz), and the US vendor failed to read the spec, and shiped 60 Hz equipment; We had to make it work. Some Japanese motor manufacturers are actually assigning dual ratings to motors for 50 and 60 Hz, by assigning two RPM/HP ratings on the name plate. Operating 60 Hz equipment on 50 HZ is easier than going the other way, especially on motors, due to the increased load by running the motor faster.
For what it's worth, I attached a writeup on the effect of different frequencies on different motors. This was sent to me a long time ago, so I don't have any info on the original writer of this work.