You need to have a little understanding of the property disposal system here. The system assigns a demil requirements primarily to assembled items such as HMMWVs, radios, and property it deems defense related and not for release to the general public. Almost all ordnance and ammunition related parts fall into this category and that's why you rarely see them for sale at the auctions. There are also different catagories of demil such as A, B, and Q. These detail how much demil is required before release. Some of them merely limit who an item can be sold to, others require the removal of a critical piece to make it inoperable, and others require full destruction leaving no usable pieces. Keep in mind this related to complete units.
The bits and pieces, ie. repair parts for the most part are not viewed as assemblies and therefore almost never assigned a demil code requiring destruction. This is how all of the spare parts get sold off to folks like Dave. Your not going to find a pound of plutonium in the pile but for the most part everything else if fair game for disposal. Something unique to AM General is they instructed the military to purge stocks when they made changes rather than use existing stocks until they were depleted. So if a design change moved a hole or changed a dimension all of those parts in inventory went to DRMO for disposal even though they were brand new.