My ‘02 M1035A2 cycles just under 240, engages the fan and drops to 224, then rises to back to just below the 240 line. I verified the fan clutch to be operational. The TDM was disconnected when I received the truck from GovPlanet. I performed all the fluid and filter changes. I have driven about 500 miles with this, tried another temp gauge, replaced the sending unit and fan switch with Hummer Parts Guy parts, replaced the thermostat (HPG part), replaced the Cadillac Valve and TDM (no effect on the cooling cycle), flushed the Radiator three times, and replaced the lower metal coolant tube with a stainless steel one. I added WaterWetter to the coolant. I have a Gano Filter in the upper radiator hose that traps particulate and can be removed and cleaned (3 Xs so far with sludge and small rust chunks removed from the system) and after all this the temp range while driving remains unchanged. Ive read that these trucks routinely operate in the 220 to 20 range but would like o see it cycle at 225. What say you guys?