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Lol... What he said.I always ask the same questions when I see these posts.
What are your plans for the HMMWV.
Are you going to restore it or mod it into something else.
You mention you want a slant back.
do you want it to have a functional turret in it?
If not, then you could roll the dice and wait for something to come out of an auction.
It will be stripped of almost all of the turret parts, turret support, doors, windshields.
If your heart is set on a slant back that has all of that in it, you got 2 options.
Buy one from someone like Retired Warhorse and cry once.
Or buy a stripped one missing all kinds of hard-to-find pieces spend months if not years trying to find the missing parts
possibly buying some of the missing parts from him and in the long run end up sending it to someone like him to eventually finish it.
Are your jeeps watertight?
Because your slant back most likely won't be.
do some leg work about registration.
just because your neighbor has one doesn't mean it's going to make it easy for you to get your registered for the street.
Not sure about your state but some states it's easier to older it is not the newer it is.
Can you garage it or store it inside? some insurance companies require it.
At some point in time, you're going to get rid of the thing.
So, keep that in mind.
Everyone can find them at auction, everyone that did is trying to source all the same missing parts.
It will be easier to sell and recoup some of your sweat equity the more original and complete it is when that time comes.
It starts out as just wanting to scratch an itch and that turns into a full-blown rash.
Next thing you know you're self-medicating or seeking professional help.
Have fun
And.... Once you understand them and get yours the way you want it. Guess what? You'll want another one. Lol. It gets in your blood.
Plus, what are you going to do with all of that HMMWV knowledge you have acquired.
Good luck and Have fun.