September 17th, 2012.
While I do not usually disagree with folks whom I have had a long and sometimes wonderful relationship on here... With all the squawking about First Amendment rights, political speech and all, all I can figure is that common sense isn't as common as it used to be?
The rule of thumb used to be in the mountains of West Virginia when and where I grew up was, that if YOU hired the hall, and YOU PAID the band, YOU got to listen to whatever music you wanted to hear. So what's the problem? Chris is from West Virginia, so I figure he hired the hall, paid for the server and created the site....
We are fortunate that he and Mangus & Co. let us use the hall just because we all have a similar affliction, or addition, whatever you want to call it. IF you can't handle the rules nicely set out by the hall's lessee, you do have the right to ship yourself off to some other tree to sleep off your night out on the town! Too pointed? Maybe! But I figure it will get through to those who most need the thought to chew on.

Any one of you can rent your own hall and band, that is the way it goes. I back the man what own's the joint to the hilt. Having said that, let's get on with more important business....
Besides, What would the rest of us do for interesting stories and laughs if all of you offenders got benned off this site...?