Kids these days... you try to raise them up right... that damn "yeah, yeah, yeah" music they listen to and MTV...
Young squire, the army balzers and pick ups are decent trucks. While some may try to poo poo on your attempt to owning one I'd say go for it. If the old man will spring for the price thats cool too as he may even get bitten by the OD bug as well. I will say nothing is as rewarding as having the ability to purchase your vehicle with your own money. Repairing it yourself is right up there though, not farming it out to the local mechanic. But in all reality I would get rid of some of the other trucks you or your dad already own. Until you get the CUCV reliable you will be buying parts and doing alot of shake downs and probably wont have the revenue to do anything with the other vehicles. Plus it will help off set the cost.
This truck aint for an older guy. Its noisey, barely comfortable, hot in the summer and cold in the winter. You will change that to suit your needs as all of us CUCV owners have. A younger driver probably wont mind sliding underneath the truck to change the starter, again, say, like someone with more sensible driving habits may not wish to be doing. Ofcourse why would any older, more sensible driver want an MV anyway?

My guess would be the cool, only kid on the block, chicks dig it (most dont), mentality we all seem to share. So knock yourself out