So I made it back all in one piece... almost 1000 more miles on the odo bringing the vehicle just over 15k. So first thing to address is that having the fan spinning proper and not fighting the airflow things are MAYBE noticeably better by a tad but the problem of climbing grades for the 700r4 and keeping heat below the desired threshold still remains. There are two things I can do now that can help solve this.... put in an additional large active cooler below the vehicle somewhere and/or make better power to be able to climb with a locked tc. As things are many times when the grade is maybe %15 or so (I need to actually measure where she starts struggling) but at a certain point she can't muster the power to pull up a hill in 2nd gear locked up so it is either 2nd gear with slippage(heat), or give it shots of 1st gear and then back to a slowly bogging down 2nd... or dont go up the hill. Pretty sure the tc will not lock up in first. At least I can not feel it when I tried. In a perfect world I would not need to rely so heavily on the manual lockup so I will be getting a cooler that will hopefully be big enough to let er slip in second all I want. Tranny is still working flawlessly. Mileage was about
12.5 11.5 (just did the math) the entire trip with varied driving.
I also had a weird thing happen that I thought I would mention here. After filling up (topping off as much as possible) and driving for 30 minutes or so with the nose up and then stopping for a 10 minute break with the nose still upwards, I lost prime. No weeping filter, never before and never after have I seen this, my theory is that the tank was not venting and under vacuum and the angle (nose up) never changing came into play? Cranked for 3 or 4 good long tries. It was not like there was a stumble at all, I considered the FSS for a moment but decided to check with a quick shot of silicone spray and she fired and ran like nothing ever happened without any sort of roughness at all. Any ideas?
I scrambled around to some pretty cool spots, even tried the rubicon and made it almost 2.5 miles until the road was beyond what I was willing to subject it to as the 33" tires only get you so high off of some of them rocks!
Also got a pair of brushless fans for the cab and epoxied some magnets on em, they were nice as the temps were often above 80 and touched the low hundreds! Pics are pre epoxy. Moved the bbq light so that you can actually see what you are cooking. (pics are from before I finished the wiring)

When I get more time to work on it I will be focused on squeezing more power out of the motor before adding much additional weight. I did make a nice step that probably weighs #30 os so, just in time as the plastic step stool imploded recently.

So next on the list is
more engine power (I have had to switch to 4L just to start off from an incline a few points, I should also recheck my vehicle weight at this point)
camera system
hot water/heat exchanger
cargo basket
cell booster (or at some point I will get a dedicated device all set up with detailed forest route maps... thought I had enough but we winged it a bit as far as where we were headed) I now have a very good idea of how to have a cell/tablet holder.... that one will get done before the next long trip for sure as my navigator was less than enthusiastic and I would be lying if I said we never took a wrong turn out there on all of the dirt roads.