new dash skin and more electronics
I am trying to get so many electrical details done before I start using it.... not done by any means but here are some pictures.
drilled some new holes in the roof for dashcam, alarm, and auxiliary camera system. Dashcam I purchased was a Yi rearview mirror with backup camera.... pleased with it except for it does not rotate enough to flatten out the horizon with the rearview aimed properly *edit* I opened up dashcam and found it had jumped out of where it was supposed to be and I reassembled it and now the horizontal tilt is perfect. very happy with it so far. *end edit*Fishing was hard but not impossible, to get things going I used 3 steel wire runs tied to the feed to the spotlight which I snipped off at the plug below and pulled through. Had to go back and forth a few times... not impossible but care should be taken! I removed the driver side visor to create a pull point.

Front led lights replacing the red strobes in the siren housings. fed through a switch and PWM for dimming and soon a switched diode protected feed from the highbeams so they can come on automatically with the brights if I want.

While the dash was being modified I bit the bullet, took the pad off and got a new skin from coverlay and installed it, color was off and as per other threads here used SEM burgandy which got it pretty close.

while the pad is out it makes for good access to install alarm and tracker... the ground kill switch makes the alarm install tricky but I will be able to simplify that later with an auxiliary battery.
So it needed some door buttons and after I painstakenly took out the kick panels and found no access I had to drill some holes to be able to install buttons and in the near future door solenoids. two 1" holes to put the door triggers in and a 3/4 going outside for door solenoids, then a 3/4 higher up so wires can exit at a good spot behind the kick panel above the air flap rod. things are still very temporary, wires will be getting protected with grommets etc soon...

Next will be wiring a kill switch to the fuel shutoff solenoid... just in case. The tracker can shut it off if someone decides they want to take off with it... ya never know! Have this on my truck and it is good peace of mind.
EDIT: One last thing I wanted to add was that I had found when I was plugging the B.O. Harness back in and removing the jumpers that had been installed prior, they were 14G wires with 14G male connectors. I had a brief flicker driving home one evening and looking at the nasty shade of blue on the terminals I would advise people make sure theirs is done with 12G wire and connectors crimped and soldered to boot... There was no extra load on this lighting circuit beyond stock.