Fresh wheel paint and loosening lug nuts.
When I went over the truck looking for rust, I wire brushed the rust off the wheels, treated them with Rust Reformer, and painted them.
I always worry a little about fresh paint and lug nuts. I figure the paint can act as a lubricant, allowing formerly frozen lug nuts to loosen. So I check the lug nut torque every so often. I checked it tonight, in preparation for the Veteran's Day parade. It had been about 1,000 miles since I last checked, and I got a little movement on a handful of lug nuts. It was only a small fraction of a turn, but enough that I noticed. I figure I'll keep checking the torque until it's stable and they don't move at all when I check.
Lots of folks paint their wheels. I had to do it to treat the rust. I mention the torque re-check here because I've not seen this issue addressed. Perhaps I missed it. Perhaps I'm the only newbie who didn't know about this.
I know I'm not the only one to worry about loose lug nuts. There are products out there to address this. These yellow indicators are supposed to make it obvious if a lug nut has turned.

I just check mine with the torque wrench. My lug nuts still seem to loosen a bit, and I painted my wheels 2500 miles ago.