Put the cover on the M1101 today. The bolts and washers were sealed in plastic, yet still had white corrosion. I soaked them in Naval Jelly, hit them with rust reformer, and put them in. I'll likely need to replace them with SS hardware eventually, since they seem to be bright steel, but they'll serve for now.
One of my front shackle pins was held in place by a cotter pin that was almost gone. There was just barely enough of the cotter pin left to keep the shackle pin in place. 30 seconds with a dremel removed that little bit, and I removed the shackle pin with the rest of the cotter pin in place. Wire brushed the rust off the shackles and pins, and hit them with Rust Reformer.

I'd never seen a cotter pin fail that way. I went and inspected all the other cotter pins on the truck, and found rusty ones, but no other near-failures. Replacing them with stainless cotter pins as I go.
A friend who is raising her almost-3-yr-old granddaughter had a logistical problem. Sick kid, can't use daycare, the usual... She needed someone to transport the kid, and I drew the short straw. I took a photo of the truck with the car seat installed, just to document that it can be done. Who needs minivans? In our trucks, kids can ride in the front seat!