No, I have the G177s and I have them singled w/o flipping the hub. I know . . . I've heard that this can be hard on the bearings but I like the wider stance and I dont really carry loads in the bed other than personal stuff, I pull trailers instead.Lowtech were the 11:00's like NDT ( like the org 9:00's?) or xml's I'd like to see some single and dual wheel pictures if people would post. I've been saving my change a long time and its about time to get the tires . either 11:00 dueals ( I like the looks of the xml"s or im going 395"s. Thanks
As far as single verses dual, I feel singled is much more monuverable. 8 wheels trying to go straight ahead and only 2 wanting it to turn. Also duals off-road, and especially in rocky terrain, is much less appealing. A majority of my travels is off on dirt tracks and primitive roads. And then there is the wearing out 10 tires at a time instead of 6 . . .