Hi Pete,
I really enjoyed meeting you and Lolly Saturday. It was fun talking trucks and solving the rest of the world's problems at the same time.
You did a terrific job on the starter/solenoid replacement. Kudos!!! Cool installation! As I mentioned, while drooling over your truck, I love those big tires also! Thanks for sending Scott's contact info. I'll try to get in touch with him soon.
I can hear my wife now..., "you want what?"
You have the ultimate in tolerant brides. I never met anyone with two -A3's AND a Five Ton before. We're going to have to teach our wives how to drive them. Then we would have a convoy of four without even trying hard.
Thanks for posting those pics so fast. We need some more of your truck!!!
Please thank, Lolly for her hospitality.
I'm certain she was THRILLED to have another Olive-Drab, iron pile in her driveway.