I went to a local car show, 'bout 40 miles away, got there and I was the only MV in sight. Plenty of Detroit Muscle, but no MV's.
Couldn't really park anywhere, until finally someone left and I snatched their spot. I don't really know what to do, so I had printed out a simple one-sided information sheet basically telling people what it was and some of the specs. That and I figure, some people like to look but are shy to ask any questions.
Went to a more local car show recently where it was off-road vehicle night. We'll again, the only MV and the only 6x6 there. So many of the off-road guys were looking at the Rockwell axle up front and drooling.
The only other time I went, they had a tribute to the Military night, so I brought mine and hung with the group of other MV's. This time I wasn't the only 5-ton or 6x6 there. Good to be in like company.