well i won the m101a1 that i bid on.maybe i paid a little much for it but thats life i wwill know better next time and have more self controll and less of a competative nature on bidding . 400.00 is not hte end of the world and its a lesson learned. and my euc cleared in a week and a half. wow.so next tuesday of to barstow i go to make my pick up on thursday it should be painless.
Congratulations on your trailer and your first post.

How do you plan to recover it? Are you going to tow it home or put it on a trailer? If your planning on towing it home think about all the things you might need. If your going to put it on a trailer then the hard part is done.
The reason I say that is the pictures show the item in the state it is when the GL employee took the photo. Things can change. I went to pick up a 1008 at Nellis on Tuesday and brought everything I could think of, extra batteries, fluids, tools, duct tape

and jumper cables and an extra key. When I got there the right front tire was flat, in the auction pictures it was inflated. No spare on the truck and no jack...ouch.
I did bring a small tire compressor from Harbor freight which got it most of the way and I could see that the bead was leaking. Luckily a member (n342lm) was picking up an M35A3 and I was able to fill the tire easily with the air system. It was a sweet almost new looking A3 by the way.

. I enjoyed the ride back across the Mojave at 55 mph...not sure everyone else was happy to move around me.
So enjoy the trip to Barstow, say Hi to Tim and David and bring some sun screen and long sleeves and a hat because it gets blistering hot on the lot where your trailer is.
Make sure you have valid registration and insurance information because they do check it.