Been digging through TMs and part #s trying to determine what size socket I need to remove the fill plug on my transfer case to check fill level. I also searched some posts here and saw someone had asked a similar question a while back with directives to research the TMs, crawl under the truck and also a suggestion that it was a 33MM socket. That being said, I have searched TMs finding the part, but no info on size (and I may just be missing), checked NSN part references, checked under the truck (determined that the plug was way bigger than any socket I had already), and searched locally for a 33MM socket, but could only find 30MM, 34MM, & 36MM. I grabbed an assortment to test, just have not done so yet, but planning to this weekend and figured would check to see if any advice here before I crawl back under to test my assortment and find none fit.