Now that things have calmed down some, I wanted to my thanks to some folks that really helped me out with various things at the rally. For some the efforts were of a classified and/or vastly widespread nature that I couldn't cover everything they did.
Clint, Gimp, Dave, Kenny, Drew, Drew, Zebedee, ClintoGF, SWBradley, SCSGG4--thanks for the smoking hot deal, Chief919 for the great trades.
Floridason!! did a huge favor and refused to take any compensation for bringing O2 and Acet cylinders for my Common 1.
TWright and Nancy for continuing to be caretaker to my crap...I mean high quality surplus.
And new member Ted (don't know the screen name) who pulled off a last minute deal that enormously lightened my load for the trip home.
Always good to see a lot of friends and catch up.
Probably forgot a few from the liquid refreshments bot then and tonight.