I sure don't mind adding I think EVERY SHOW IS THE BEST !!

) I will plug the MTA show of having a 14 year run and actually STILL GROWING !! Our first show had 48 Military vehicles on display, Our last 2 shows 167 actual count almost 170 on Saturday and well over 80 on SUNDAY!!!! 5000 ATTENDEES !! What East coast club can say that

)) Also ! Proceeds go directly to many over seas and LOCAL SOLDIERSsupporting our Troops>>> Like a HUGE multi thousand dollar support Mission in Kosovo RIGHT NOW!!!! We are supported annually by the Marines G co. with an AMAZING weapons display each year, this year we are told will beat the last !!! The 250th main support battalion convoys hemmitts and Humvees and LMTVs in each year !!!! The Air Cav flys in a Black hawk when they are not deployed !! This and last year thay are in Kosovo, BUT the NJ Forest Fire service has supported us with a Huey each year the Air Cav could not make it, Last year they actually put off painting there LAST green heuy red until after OUR SHOW!!!!! And did multiple WATER DROPS on how they fight fires !!!! Half a dozen fire depts. ready there 5 ton fleets for our show !!!! Red and some green they are a spectacle by them selves !!!!! Re an actors out the Kazoo

)) We actually have a group of young men whos first MV show when they were 12 and 14 years of age was at one of our first shows, They were bitten by the patriotic Bug and NOW bring a U Haul full and have an AMAZING WW2 Reenactment display with training Barbed Wire (Fake) that kids get to crawl thru, They are giving back !!!!! OUR Hobbys SHOWS ARE ALL THE BEST!!!!!!!! We are lucky, hard work and a ton of AWESOME people make up our club just like many others !!!!! It takes all year to pull our show off, AND WE APPRECIATE YOU !!!!! We have always felt the Vendors are our number one concern !!! We Have an Amazing Vendor Dinner, We have MTA members on hand to help unload the Vendors too !!!!!! The first meeting 1 to 2 weeks after the show is first about what we can do to do better !!!!!! We listen, we ask, we thank those who come, the display area trys very hard to meet every vehicle with a Hand Shake and THANKS FOR COMING !!!!!!!!!! WE MEAN IT!!!!! Hope to see you guys there, I am in ahurry I will drop more plugs in this post when I can THANKS GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH Picatinny has shown up with the triple 7 behind a 7 ton a few times too

))) And is scheduled this year again !!!!