ITS ALMOST HERE !!!! To display a vehicle JUST SHOW UP !! Pull up to the gate and pull right in directly to the HUGE display field ,,, IDLE SPEED ONLY PLEASE !!!!! On the way in and on the grounds !JOB ONE IS SAFETY FIRST !!! We will walk U with your truck thru the field and have a guide back u in for safety each time !!

) Be there before 11 am Saturday and you can sign up for judging !!!! Judging starts at 1100 , and is over by 4 , there are A LOT of vehicles to be judged, There are a LOT of plaques and they are well deserved by the winners !!!! I will throw in something about the EAST Coast

))) We have consistently been over 140 Military display vehicle's, The Last 2 years we 165 and 167 !!!!! I think that might be the most on the East coast

Just sayin

)) All in good fun

) Might have more vendors and public too

More renactors this year than EVER , More Vendors than any other year also

))) !!! We have OVER 5000 people walk thru our Gates !!!!!!! YOU WILL SELL STUFF HERE!!!! years it rained we still had close to 4000 thru the weekend; this hobby is awesome

Thanks Randy

Sundays 5 ton and Jeep pull is benefitting the G Co Marines in Picatiny and the Dover Guard the 250th Main support Battalion DET 1 , Its 10 dollars a head, 10 person teams to, pull the 5 ton , 1 and 2 person and family pulls on the Jeep pull

) !!!! Its worth
every second, it is absolutely amazing how much FUN it is to pull HUGE inanimate objects LOL , We have been raising money for wounded Soldiers and Toy for tots events for a few years now with these pulls , My first truck pull was , gee like 5 years ago now, It is a GREAT way to get people to gether and raise some funds for the troops !!!!