I hadn't noticed that the wheels are split rim ALWAYS be extra safe when airing them up after having it all apart those split rings have killed and maimed a many a humans cause they didn't put them in a tire cage before they aired them up and the ring blow off and take a face or skull with it and all the older commercial over the road trucks use to run them only ! My dad had them on all his trucks and wouldn't let me fool with them at all and he would lay his face down with a little 4x4 block under the side with the valve stem to air his up cause we had no cage like the truck stops had !
I always thought this was a bunch of BS. In 1977 we moved to our new Missile site and had a Motor Pool that was 500 light years better then the two maintenance tents hooked together that we had on the old site. The Motor Sgt was a lazy butt head, and put off taking the tire cage to the new site. One of the newbie truck mech's needed to fix a flat, and without any guidance, did so. He had it on the floor, ring up, to air it up. A Buck Sgt walked in and gave him hell, and told him to hook up the air chuck, and then hook up the other end of the hose to the compressor. Air it up from the compressor side he said. When I walked in the building, it looked like an air show. Everyone was admiring the new hole, in the new Motor Pool roof. I had aired up countless tires over the years, and never even given it a thought. I sure did after that. It was rather impressive.