I was talk in’ about the truck…

I like that rig. Shame you’re selling her. She would make a terrific camper.
You know it is funny, I guess,, EVERYONE told me getting a Heeler was a mistake, she'll tear everything up, too much energy bla bla bla.
I only met two people with Heelers, one was Austin (beltfed on fleabay) and they loved them.
In only 9mo she is by far the best dog I have ever had, lots of energy: yes, thinks pretty much anything at her level is a toy: working on it..
She was a "rescue" dog, her owners would put her in a 3X5 cage every day when they went to work and she did have some bad habits.
But she is VERY smart, learns fast and wants to please, but with 60AC she has plenty of room, does not wander off or chase the cattle, she does stay a LONG way away from Pokie, the donkey, not sure what happened there

I do run her every afternoon, we go down and feed the fish and she smokes the Kawasaki Mule every time, makes me laugh as she looks like a WWI fighter ace with a scarf, she has a very long tongue that flaps past her neck when she is in high gear.