Update 5-8-11
well I have been asked by the local VA administration to participate in the local veterans parade known as the "torchlight parade, or the lilac parade" depending on who you ask so I am in the process of getting the 920 parade ready. I have got the super singles mounted (thanks andy for the wheels) with 395's on it for now, reworked the tire carrier for the super single and used some high security jerry can holders mounted on the 817 tool box to hold some 5 gallon water cans. I will be painting it soon and will post more pics when done. I AM LOOKING FOR TWO MORE TOOL BOXES FROM THE RACK OFF OF 818'S AND 817'S TO COMPLETE THIS BUILD BEFORE PAINT IN THE NEXT TWO WEEKS, IF ANYONE NEAR BY CAN HELP ME OUT I WOULD APPRECIATE IT. Enjoy the updated pics.