Hey Dan,
eh not really, I just helped Mike (Amram) with his truck. Went out there again today to finish up. He planned to put singles on his truck but he was side tracked with a bad alternator. That thing kicked our rear end pretty good, stripped nut being stubborn, and metric bolts mixed in where standard ones should have been. Even the replacement ALT had a broken screw on the electrical cover on top and the other one was stripped so we had to chisel it off too so we will have to drill them out and tap the holes. Seriously it was like 8 hours spent on the alternator alone!

We did get his rims broke apart so he can start cleaning them though. Oh Brad likes the the cargo cover install you did!
I did get a boarding ladder though.
Pam still wants to come out to your place with Maria to see your horses. I might need some electrical help too wiring my lights up.

She has to work most weekends so timing will be tricky.