How long ago was $70 for an 8D.
That would be a nice deal to use in the 5 tons. Right now it is two of what ever the largest Wally World battery is in stock.
I run DOT 3 in my 813, I did a couple of full system flushes with DOT 3 and a bug sprayer power bleeder about 2 months apart. I have been told by others that drive the M813 that
the brakes feel stiff, as though they could stop on a dime.
When I drive the one DOT 5 rig I have, when I step on the brakes it feels squishy/springy to me. And psychologically like the truck isn't going to stop. Plus if you are doing up keep on the system, you will be cycling any moisture that accumulates out of the brake system.
For me it is analogous to buying a new car to save money on gas. What good is it if you have to spend an additional $10k for a new hybrid, you could always keep what you have and spend $10K on gas.

(what is this a black hole, a chunk of coal. what?)