thanks Tamecrow, and i almost mentioned alchohol to, but I wasnt trying to start a debate, just wanted to make a point, and thought that may push it. Ive listened to many a drunk guy that was a case of beer into the evening talk about the evils of weed, and they never see the irony or hypocrisy of what theyre slurring, i mean saying... and Josh, your absoluetly correct also... a few beers, and everyones 10ft tall and bulletproof, which usually made my job a little more fun...hehehe... drunk people fall down on their own, i didnt even have to put them on the ground... the smokers, thats a different story... they may have an argument over who ate the last Oreo, but 5mins. into it, they forget what they were arguing over, so o harm, no foul... and i actually own 3 copies of Reefer Madness, the original, a color version that the smoke is even different colors when they exhale, hehehe, and a musical remake from a few years ago. most people, including many LEO's dont know this, but when it was made illegal, it had nothing to do with people smoking it, that was just what they used to demonize it to the public. it was actually to get rid of hemp, because it was taking money from the textile, fuel, and paper tycoons(Hearst, Du Pont, etc.) because it was a better product. and the tycoons were all in tight with the politicians of the time, so they hired Hearsts son-in-law, i believe it was, as the first Drug Czar. the ban was actually slipped in with the Machine Gun Ban that was aimed at the Tommy Gun... an interesting book on the subject is something like The Emporer Wears No Clothes, i believe its called... i read up on every drug i could, helped know how to deal with people in that security business, and helped me learn alot about Human Nature in general... America is wasting, and losing, ALOT of revenue, and good honest LEO's in this farce they call the Drug War... makes 'Nam look like an all out victory, IMHO... just saying...