Have you downloaded the Technical Manuals from the Resources Tab at the top of the page yet? Take some time and read these to become more familiar with your truck.
Ya know, about the Technical Manuals. I agree 100% that they contain everything that you need to know about our trucks. BUT, with all due respect, there is so much stuff to sift through, sometimes it's impossible to find what you are looking for. It's good advice, and we see it a lot, but can be very frustrating. Some of us are way to quick with "read the TM", and not include hints on which one.

For instance, I've been searching on and off for about a week to find out what the level of brake fluid should be in the master cylinder. I found where it is, how much it holds, how often I should check it, how to replace it, what kind of fluid it takes, how it works, but nothing like "1/2 inch from the top". I know that it's probably buried somewhere, but can't find it. I'm tempted to just ask in the forum, but am pretty sure I'd hear "read the TM's". There, I feel better.