RE: 3 Light ID Bars
Looks like Truck-Lite has some hidden parts. These bars have anti-smash bars top and
bottom to help protect them from dirt when the trailer is tipped up.
The 12 Volt is an Aluminum bar part number 35740R 17” bar or 35741R 23” bar.
The 24 Volt is a 35749R at 17" , I think all are black w/ red LED's.
Has anyone checked, what do we have back there? 12V or 24V ?
I thought about drilling a stud but decided to make a crossbar out of 1/2"
Aluminum w/ a center bracket made of .25" steel welded in, then a padlock.
I have it drawn in CAD and it will get cut when I do my front and rear decks.
My very front will be aluminum w/ a round, aluminum hinged access panel. The
yellow part of the access panel will be .25" steel. On the far left and right are
GUIDE stowage holes. I will be able to use the supplied wrench and tighten them
to the deck and where the side slot drops thru the deck I will drill a hole in it
and padlock them down. (That part of the deck will NOT take big weight guys)
Then left and right of the access hole you see some rectangles, thus keyways
are where I will weld vertical aluminum bulkheads to make it stronger and
help seal off the storage box underneath. The hinge is 1" solid bar stiffening
things up more.
This plate is all steel w/ banjo slots for chains and a place to weld some additional
backing over the frame rails. I plan on massaging the steel just a little underneath
to make the chains less likely to get cut by the slots.
This plate is all steel w/ banjo slots for chains and a place to weld some additional
backing over the frame rails. I plan on massaging the steel just a little underneath
to make the chains less likely to get cut by the slots. There are two square holes
left and right where I will be able to mount my removable LMTV LMHC
(Light Material Handling Crane) which will be powered from the slave port on
the Perkins.
Today I made a metal box under that access panel where I can stow the winch
bridle and I can stow all my chains and straps as well. There are lots of little
parts not shown, the hinge loops and hinge pins lock rings. The steel deck parts
will be welded to the trailer and the aluminum part will be screwed just like the
I too am looking real hard at Aluminum. It is either that or make planks that
are easily removed so I can use the trailer as intended for containers.
It probably will not "jump up" w/ a load on and yes I am sure the way down
is restricted for safety. Once you put 15,000 pounds on it, it will have a
lot of gravity pulling it down to earth!
I am gettin' excited here! I sent drawings for some test banjo fittings to
the water-jet cutter today along with a file to cut a part so I can hang
a 5 gallon Jerry can of fuel on the trailer opposite the spare tire. These
things are sweet!