I was RIGHT.
I pulled my caliper bolts and found them rusted as I said and the actual surface
of the shoulder part of the bolts had a poor / substandard machined
finish, you can see machining grooves for cryin' out loud! I got all
new bolts and the new caliper bolts are smoother than James
Bond at the Playboy Mansion. They are like glass...CHROME.
So after you get new bolts you will want new Anti-Rattle Springs
an install tool and O-Rings.
1- Installation Tool P/N 071-182-00
40- "O" Rings P/N 010-062-00
8- Anti-Rattle Spring P/N 046-105-00
TRUST me when I tell you that Nicks truck parts is
Wayyyyyy cheaper than ANYWHERE else.
Total $31.49 plus shipping for the 49 parts I list above.
Send an email to Sandy Schneider <
and ask for the above parts, if you request a PP invoice she
will do the deed.
You guys owe mw BIG TIME!

but really,
you NEED to address this issue guys.
OH! You will want 8 new Caliper bolts. Sandy was cheapest there too.
She said 007-186-00 is $ 15.50 for TWO BOLTS. You will need 4
of that part number then to get 8 Bolts. I fell into bolts elsewhere
so I did not buy bolts from Sandy but she said that part number
is for TWO BOLTS and that is the cheapest you will find them
on this planet, TRUST ME.
PS, your brake pads are like new. I pulled the pads and hit the steel portions
w/ my glass bead blaster and purchased some VHT Caliper paint. I taped
off all surfaces of the pad and gave them a squirt w/ VHT Black paint.
I believe I will squirt the calipers too for good measure.
Now I need to acquire GREASE. I am looking real hard at Kendall L-427 .
I read Dexter Axle Grease specs and it is approved.