Jump pack or batteries - same difference. It's a voltage source with a positive and negative. You attach a meter to the negative post, and then you start at the positive post and work your way through the circuit testing at each wire connection or component till you find the voltage drop. When you find it, you stop and address it. Be that replacing wiring or cleaning a connection. It's a systematic process and you are pretty close to solving the problem if you have already narrowed it down to an observable voltage drop. What kind of drop are you observing and from where?
yep that is pretty much what we did beyond all new wires (which was to be next)... nothing changed so far. Cleaned every place cleanable yet drop is still observed from batts to PDP. Cleaned and wiggled everything ..... no changes. added ground... no changes
I canceled my last ever coaching stint today (1st june) since I cant get there. Twas only reason was rushing to get truck back on road. Until this, it was all had to drive. So with that canceled truck goes little bit on back burner now. Wont need anything that drives till end of June for team banquet. Likely can get ride for that.
Will now concentrate on finish new engine install in Jeep that I could not do in the cold.. (or rain) over winter. Been working on that too. Didn't know truck was not working till went to go get grocery and parts on Tues. Used it Sat. before with no more issues than normal. For now can get grocery delivered. Parts stores are about hour walk. up hill both ways in the snow.... will plan that trek all on one day if I need any parts I guess
. Should have it done in a week or two (unless it rains too much)
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