Had several chats with individuals from motor services in FL DHSMV and came to the realization that they are clueless on the subject and will tell you something even without knowing anything about what they are talking about. The first person told me that the frames are different between the H1 and the M998. They said they measured them and the M998 was thinner and that was why they could not be registered. The most recent said that I could go the "Former Military Vehicle" route, but would have to tow it everywhere. That didn't make sense so I asked why I would need plates if it was going to sit on a trailer, with plates? I was then told that I shouldn't have bought it and if I got the plates that I would need it to be inspected first and that it would have to have all the original markings. I asked how that would be possible since some of the markings were covered as part of the demil process. Of course I was then answered with "those are the rules, if you don't follow them, we are not giving you the plates.
I then made the mistake of asking about going the "Custom Vehicle" route. That was met with an "absolutely not, you knew your were buying an off road vehicle" to which I responded "yes I am fully aware of what I bought. Because the seller has nothing to do with the State of Florida, I am asking you what I would need to do to get this vehicle in compliance with State law". Her response was "well you could take the body off the frame and put it on an f-150 frame or any other frame for that matter and I would be happy to register you".
Basically that is what I am up against. We should be terrified that someone who is making the decisions thinks slapping a body on just any frame will somehow be safer than what was constructed.
Bingo! Sounds
exactly like my experience with the Ohio BMV. And they will do so with the utmost confidence in what they are saying.
You should have asked them if you could swap it onto "the thicker" H1 frame and then videoed their heads exploding.
With my experience, none of the young and/or new BMV workers at my 2 local title offices had a clue about the SF97, let alone the 3803 form I had to use to change the title, resulting in multiple calls to BMV HQ in Columbus. I was even told at first that the SF97 was not accepted since it was just a bill of sale. I had to tell them to read it more closely, that it was essentially a federal title (even had a buddy buying a 5 ton with non-branded SF97 get told the same thing). Then when they relented and gave me my Ohio off road title, I literally got every excuse under the sun to not get a standard title: Military vehicles can't be driven on the road (despite someone near me having a plate on his
FV101 Scorpion, the 3803 form was only for off road motorcycles (despite having a section spelling out passenger vehicle requirements, it being the same form used to change a bus or pickup into a camper, and my Ohio off road title actually listing my truck as an off road motorcycle), my form was invalid because it was a different revision number from the one in their bound book of forms (even though they were identical in content, I had downloaded mine from online), the truck didn't conform to FMVSS or EPA regs (despite that not being listed as a requirement on the 3803 and the supervisor unable to tell me what part of the ORC stated that), that I would have to swap in an unspecified make/model of V8 diesel and 6 speed transmission to conform to emissions


, and a nameless mid-level supervisor in Columbus giving out bad information throughout the whole ordeal (they refused to give me this person's contact information so I could speak directly to them and send them documentation supporting my position).
In the end I had to start hunting around locally to find someone within the BMV that knew how to handle the paperwork correctly. We've got 88 counties in Ohio and a resident can register a vehicle in any of them! I was so unbelievably blessed that I literally found my needle I needed in a stack of needles on my first stop at the metro Cincinnati title office. It was a gentleman who had been with the BMV for many years and was so knowledgeable on Ohio title laws and processes that he has been called as an expert witness in court cases. He was, in fact, the guy that had come up with my revision of the 3803 form that included the equipment requirements and relevant sections of the ORC referenced with them, different from the one in the BMV's official bound book of forms that didn't.
Handed him my 3803 and he says, "So we're going to be changing an off road vehicle into a pickup?" I said, "Yep!" He said, "Okay! $17 for this is definitely cheaper than the $65 inspection fee." Only hitch that came up was the odometer reading since in Ohio mileage isn't required to be tracked on an off road vehicle and it is listed as "exempt" so, I had to get an odometer discrepancy branding added to my regular title even though I gave the accurate mileage at the time. Was in and out in 15 minutes. Spent most of that time talking about his experience with the 3803 form and the building they're in (it's an old bank building with huge vault). Walked out with this and right across the hall to the registrar to get my plates:
The same gentleman also helped another SS member local to me get his truck plated. There are at least 4 other owners I personally know of in Ohio with 5 plated trucks. Probably quite a few more than that that I don't know.
What irks me though is the mid-level supervisor in Columbus that is giving out bad information. If I hadn't had success with the guy that helped me or anywhere else locally, I would have been taking this up with my local representative. Who knows, we may still need to in the future if there are people at BMV HQ still giving out incorrect information.
In so many ways it is great to be a Canadian...my HMMWV took 20 min to register and insure...just like my 931, M813 and M211's...I feel for you guys
And you can legally buy cheap Chinese ammo and firearms. And you can legally buy Class 1 IR lasers like the PEQ-15 direct. And you can still buy new Scepter plastic fuel cans.
Hmm... Makes me start wondering if I need to relocate...