Does a Polaris RZR meet FMVSS or EPA on road emissions standards? What about a Yamaha or CanAm quad? Were they sold with the intent for them to be operated on road?
Yet, here we are...
The fact is many states have a 100% legal and above board process whereby an off road vehicle can be legally titled for on road use, usually with the addition of specific safety equipment and possibly an inspection. For example, I had to add a license plate light to meet the equipment standards and sign an affidavit that my truck was actually equipped with the list of required equipment to be in compliance with my laws.
Compliance with and adherence to state law is no "loophole",
it's following the law (reminds me of Liberals talking about gun shows or buying guns online

). Law which can certainly vary state to state and be changed for the better if needed (I'd definitely recommend the residents of Michigan take their
elected representatives to the woodshed over how HMMWVs are being handled there!).
For people posting the FUD that it's only a matter of time before sales of HMMWVs are cut off because people are obeying their local laws, do you really think Uncle Sugar (or IP/GP) is going to cut off the cash cow that has been these HMMWV sales? In fact, of all military surplus sales to the public, I'd venture to say this has to have been their most successful (the sale of M1 Garands through the CMP might rival it though). What other surplus sales have generated so much interest and so much of the free press they've gotten through things like an episode of Wheeler Dealers or all the news articles published when sales started? Right here, look at all the new owners with 2016 join dates and how it's helped the SS community (and generated clicks!) grow. Personally, I would be more surprised to see all HMMWV sales halted than I would be for the whole title branding to be dropped and opening bids to be margainally increased (a la the M1123s). With the advent of a Federal administration run by a businessman, throwing away the capital these sales are bringing in seems far fetched, to say the least.
As for the vaunted "Agreement"...

(Okay, so I'm injecting a little fun and took some poetic license with the original script...
