Excellent dude! We used DHL last time too, thats who I was thinking of and couldn't remember.
OK just got back a quick email from my buddy. He says we need to have the paperwork done on the things you want prior to you talking to any CO about shipping it home. This was the part that I was not involved in so now he's giving me the skinny on it, I did do his paperwork and recieve it all though so I know it worked.
He says that you need to get the stuff that you want together and keep it in a secure location so that noone messes with it and then get me the information of the weapons, type, caliber, etc so I can get your F-6 started. I dont know if you can store something like that, you may not have to given your circumstances but when Ryan and I did this he was having a hard time with keeping the stuff he wanted from going missing by the other guys in his unit. You may not have such trouble?
Being that you are a civy you should be free and clear but whomever you are working under needs to be informed of what you are doing AFTER we get your approved permit. Once you have the OK from the government and paperwork that will show that you have checked out and are approved to ship such items your CO or whoever should not have a problem with it. Ryan took some bs flak with this because he was active and it took a few weeks for his CO to give him the OK but afterwards everything was OK. The way I worded his permit also helped and it never made them think he was taking a fully functional piece. It's really no big deal, you just have to prove yourself valid under those circumstances. Most everyone just thinks they cant and then never tries.
You'll have to be a smooth talker and just keep your cool with this because 99% of the folks out there wil not know heads from tails as to what is really acceptable or not. We both had a system with this and it worked and still works flawlesley. Now since you dont live in my state you will have to find someone to accept the shipment for you there. Your wife should be able to do this, all she has to do is show up at the port/shipping location and present a copy of your F-6 and have 2 F-6A's ready to hand to Customs. One she will give to them, the other she will check off complete, sign, and mail to BATF. Do not decalre the values of the packages as over $20 and do not list them as more than parts and pieces i.e. do not list as "parts for 14.5KMTmachinegun" because after you have demilled them there they are not and are no longer legaly considered anything more that scrap iron. Listing it as a weapon will cause your package to automatically default to having to undergo a detailed inspection and that might hold you up for a week (happened to me recently but I couldn't help it cause its pretty obvious what the nature of my truck was).
Thats that......
Now I checked and JFYI you can ship lots of other military items back unrestricted like uniforms, helmets, training posters, optics, those neat little 1st generation night vision setups that there are piles of over there and I must have a hundred of

, tools, boots, manuals, etc