Ya but,if you had to do a recon mission with your deuce,you would have to unhook and there goes your power.
That is very true. However, life is seldom perfect and choices have to be made. Chances are that if the truck is out on recon the home owner is in the truck and does not need power at the home, but he might enjoy the A/C or heat in the truck...... year round. On the other hand, a stand alone generator does have the advantage of being able to be left behind and separate from the truck. However, the OP did initially ask abut how to use/modify the Deuce to provide the power indicating that he was not interested/concerned with "Separate-ability" of the power source from the truck.
Also, the APU option gives the Deuce A/C, heat, (or more heat if it already has heat) all the time and it removes the need to install a 12 VDC alternator on the truck and provides way more 110/120 VAC power than the OP initially had thought might be available.
Just for reference for those that do not know 6kw (6,000 watts) of 110/120 VAC is enough to run
almost everyting in your house that runs on 110/120 all at the same time. Lights in multiple rooms, 2 tv's, the microwave and refrigerator, no problem at all. In most RV's it will run 2 roof A/C units, every light in the coach, the microwave and a TV all day long. 3 A/C units (Or a large central unit) and you need to move up to a larger gen, usually one that outputs 220 VAC.
There are several ways to use the gen power inside the house. Initially the OP was planning on just running a couple extension cords out the door/window to give a few items power. While that is somewhat workable, it is a true pain in the butt and a more complete system is about 100x more user friendly and in the most raw basic form is very affordable, costing less than $100.00
I live in Florida and prior to that in another Gulf Coast state (Both areas prone to frequent hurricane "attacks") and I have been involved with emergency preparedness organizations so I really understand the need and convenience of adequate power to make life many times more comfortable. - After Hurricane Andrew hit S. Florida it hit us. My entire County was without power for over a week. During that time the County owned Ambulances in my section of the county all came to my house to pump fuel from my personal 550 gallon diesel tank because I had the only accessible fuel supply and a generator to run the pump. (This has since been fixed)
I have designed power back up systems for well over 100 families tailoring the system to need/want and financial ability/commitment. Everything from pedal power to run a 12 VDC alternator to charge a single deep cycle car battery to a 100% fully automatic system using a 30kw unit (to run 125% of EVERYTHING in the house including central heat-a/c and clothes washer/dryer running from 2 buried 1,000 propane tanks. I only say this as a bit of a qualifier that I have at least a basic understanding of most of the workable ways to provide power to the house and most of the pros/cons of each option.
Rather than further hijacking this thread, If the OP is interested in shifting the thread toward "Now that I have a power source figuered out, how do I best integrate it into my house" I'll be happy to discuss possible methods, if he is happy with his current plan then I'm happy as well and have noting more to add...
(EDITED TO ADD: In thinking about the lack of the ability to sepperate the generator from the truck... On the other hand.... I wonder if you live in an area where your HOA gives you crap (Or forbids) your parking a Deuce or other MV... Check the rules to see if your allowed to have an emergency generator to provide power to your home in the event of utility system failure. Chances are they will say yes with no problem. Check the HOA rules to see what if any limitations to the size/design of the generator.... I'm sure you can see where this is going... "Sir, while this may look like a big green army truck to you that is not allowed in the HOA, in reality it is my choice of what to use as a HOA rules approved emergency power generator, have a nice day.... Sir.) - I'm just sayin....