September 28th, 2008.
BullDogMack13's just like Popeye the Sailor, he leaves a little Sweetpea here and there for all us deuce collectors! It seems that theres an IIICAV 3/3 L-50 in Colorado, Texas and now North Carolina (plus one Bradley in Iraq)..... I just hope we all three don't get togather at the same place at the same time, or the LE's are going to go nuts! Jay, you devil, confuse the man by multiplying your force with smoke and mirrors....very Sun Tzu of you! Jay, you told me what the inverted ^ was for in OIF, but what is the ball that goes with or under it? I am trying to get up a fibreglass board copy of the "Danger-Stay Back 100 Metres!" signs from your HMMWV's in Iraq, but I can't be certain I have the Iraqi or Farsi right in the sign, as there seems to be some variations out there. Armyman30years+ had a good shot of it in one of his recent letters, but I haven't gotten around to querying him about it yet, figuring he's a busy man.... I do want to make sure it's right, so the Al-Quaeda types around here don't make the Texan's mess up the streets, as they all conceiled carry (the Texans-not the Al-Quaeda).....
I think I'll add "UN" markings to the Swiss Unimog.... THAT oughta keep the locals sleepless at nights (both here and in Switzerland)! Next it'll be black helicopters and no telling who'll get elected President in November.... !
Behave yourselves and don't get anywhere near here with all those other spurious IIICAV 3/3 L-50's Jay's been cranking out when he's not making NC safer for MV collectors, or was that the other way round?
Kyle F. McGrogan (owner of the genuine 1st III 3/3 CAV L-50 Deuce......