The easy path to the block drain is to disconnect the negative battery cable and roll the alternator out of the way.

That Rotella ELC stuff turns out to be RED. Says it's silicate and sulfate free diesel rated antifreeze so I went ahead and used it. Strange that it only reads good to zero on my hydrometer at 50%. That will be fine for around here but normal green stuff would go to -20* minimum at 50%. Easiest way I found to get it in was to siphon.

Radiator design is a bit of a mystery. Never seen a cross flow radiator with both hoses on the same side tank. I suppose it must have a divider or baffle mid tank to direct the flow through the channels. That sideways cap opening is not the best design I've seen either.

That Rotella ELC stuff turns out to be RED. Says it's silicate and sulfate free diesel rated antifreeze so I went ahead and used it. Strange that it only reads good to zero on my hydrometer at 50%. That will be fine for around here but normal green stuff would go to -20* minimum at 50%. Easiest way I found to get it in was to siphon.

Radiator design is a bit of a mystery. Never seen a cross flow radiator with both hoses on the same side tank. I suppose it must have a divider or baffle mid tank to direct the flow through the channels. That sideways cap opening is not the best design I've seen either.